Women in rural Uganda suffer from cultural traditions that dictate subservience to their husbands and grant them little status in the community at large. A woman who protests her role is likely to be abandoned by her husband and shunned by her family and community.
AFINNET fights the exploitation and abuse of women, and supports rural women to come forward and claim their full rightful place in the society.
Women Empowerment Programs strive to:
- create rural communities where opportunity is not determined by gender and race
- provide resources and training for women groups, so they have the means to seek justice in their communities
- support community projects and training that give women the chance to take active leadership roles in their homes, groups and communities
- back women groups who are fighting attacks on their rights and resources.
In addition, AFINNET supports two other sister programs designed to help women generate a living income:
- The Namukozi Self-Help Projects (Micro Finance). These projects aid impoverished single young mothers and their families to improve their living conditions and economic and social status.
- The AFINNET Rehabilitation and Empowerment Centre. The Centre seeks to lift up and empower unemployed young women so they will not have to resort to the sex trade or prostitution. Training in skill such as tailoring and small scale agriculture provides such women a means to earn a living income. The Centre also provides information on how to reduce sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS.
AFINNET fights the exploitation and abuse of women, and supports rural women to come forward and claim their rightful place in the society.
The AFINNET Rehabilitation and Empowerment Centre trains girls and young women in practical skills such as tailoring and small-scale agriculture. Hundreds of young women and a many young men have already graduated from the Centre. The Centre also providing training in hand crafts, carpentry, and livestock nutrition.